Címke: european union
Juncker calls Orbán a „blind national politician”, gets smacked by the Hungarian PM
In his regular Friday morning radio interview, Viktor Orbán mainly talked about the new European Commission – and slammed the failed former President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker.
„The Visegrad countries are not immigrant societies”
PM Orbán attended the Visegrad Group (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) and Western Balkans summit in Prague this week. Among the subjects discussed was the composition of the new European Commission.
Why the legacy of Helmut Kohl matters
The fact that Prime Minister Viktor Orbán often refers to Helmut Kohl as an exemplar in his speeches and interviews is no coincidence given how much Kohl has taught us about European politics.
Everything you need to know about the conflict between Fidesz and the European People's Party
On Wednesday, the European People's Party (EPP) held a meeting regarding the membership of its fourth strongest member party, Fidesz. The importance of this conference was paramount, considering the date of the elections to the European Parliament is closing in.
Viktor Orbán: People have a right to know what Brussels is planning
In a recent radio interview, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán talked about how high the stakes are regarding the upcoming elections to the European Parliament.
Orbán: "migration makes the protection of our Christian culture a political duty"
Viktor Orbán held his first international press conference this year on Thursday. During the event, the Hungarian Prime Minister criticized contemporary liberal politics, and also spoke at length about the importance of migration and its effects on European politics.