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" Mi vagyunk Soros ellenzéke”
#ez történik
#Orbán Viktor
#Soros György
#fehér férfi

„The Visegrad countries are not immigrant societies”

Forisek Ádám

2019.09.14. 10:08

PM Orbán attended the Visegrad Group (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) and Western Balkans summit in Prague this week. Among the subjects discussed was the composition of the new European Commission.

It is clear that the influence of the Visegrad Group has grown, judging by the distribution of the positions within the European Commission – said Viktor Orbán in the summit, referring to the fact that the Visegrad countries will provide two Vice-Presidents in the new College.

Regarding the new Commission, László Trócsányi (former Minister of Justice) was officially named EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement.

The reason this is important is that Northern Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia can hopefully be integrated into the European Union faster. As the Hungarian leader put it,

if the EU had not been asleep and had accepted these countries sooner, there wouldn’t be millions of illegal immigrants in Western Europe.„

The explanation for this is that during the migrant crisis, the Balkan route (spanning between Greece and Hungary) was left unchecked. As Viktor Orbán emphasized, no migrants came to the EU through Romania, which is a member state. However, it was easy for them to push through non-member states: Northern Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.

Accepting these states into the European Union will not only help with the protection of the continent against immigrants, but will strengthen the EU as well.

Answering a journalist’s question, Orbán clarified that while countries of Western Europe are building ”multicultural immigrant societies„, Central European states are doing the exact opposite. The question is how these two world will be able to coexist.


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