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Here is how the EU uses your money to bring in more migrants to Europe

Forisek Ádám

2018.11.27. 16:38

Not so long ago it was revealed that migrants in the Balkans are provided with nameless bank cards. The fact that the parties issuing out these bank cards are none other than the UN Refugee Agency and the European Union is to be honest, quite daunting - not to mention that the risks involved in this decision are inconceivable.

The nameless bank card business was first revealed by the Slovenian outlet, Nova24TV. The whole issue was somewhat of an astonishment at first – after all, no one could guess why some of the migrants sported brand new clothing or carried top-quality smart phones, despite the fact, that most of them appeared to be extremely ill-conditioned.

Well, here is the background to the seemingly mysterious phenomenon.

It was in July 2017 that the UN and the EU decided to initiate a joint programme in order to provide more money directly to the migrants. According to their plan, the EU would pay 209 million euros to Greece in order to house the migrants and provide them cash assistance.

As it turns out, the idea (dubbed as a „new humanitarian programme”) was successful, and all this money finally found its way to the migrants who were either waiting in Greece or had already departed for the northern parts of the continent.

According to the official handout of the UNHCR, the phrase “eligible migrants” include those who:

  • Arrived in Greece after 1 January 2015
  • Are above 18 years of age
  • Are not employed, therefor not receiving a salary.
  • Have been registered by the Greek police or have a full registration trifold with the Asylum Service.

In other words, the migrants do not actually need to be granted asylum in order to get the bank cards. And as long as they do not get a job, they will continue to receive the money.

According to the statistics, 83 792 migrants have benefited from the scheme since the start of the programme, which means that the EU paid a total of 57,5 million euros to these people in 2017.

This is money that comes from European taxpayers.

And why is that an issue? For one, the nameless bank cards are supposed to be used only in Greece. However, as mentioned earlier, the migrants using these bank cards were caught all over the Balkans.

Furthermore, how can anyone guarantee that the migrants will not abuse the situation? Is there anyone that can guarantee that the migrants won’t sell their cards for cash, or won’t shy away from finding a job simply because getting free money is more alluring to them?

And then the more daunting question regarding the issue is: what happens if terrorists receive this money?

It is no wonder that the Hungarian government and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán have been bombarding the UN and EU with questions like:

How many bank cards were handed out to migrants?
How much money was on these bank cards?
Who authorized this scheme?

No answers so far from either of them. But it seems to suggest that what we are dealing here is an enormous, well-organized and well-thought-out trafficking business that effects the entire continent in the worst possible way.


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